Birthday Party
25. marts 2023

I anledning af min fødselsdag vil det glæde mig at se jer til min fest.

Den afholdes på Comwell Copenhagen Portside, hvor der også er mulighed for at bestille overnatning. Nedenstående er der nærmere informationer herom.

Der er en del gæster, der kommer langvejs fra, derfor arrangerer jeg også en dagsaktivitet rundt i København.
Man er velkommen til at deltage i begge dele eller kun den ene.

Registrering til dagsaktiviteten, festen og/eller overnatning sker via link nederst på siden.

Deadline: Tilmelding senest søndag den 19. februar 2023
Day activity will be at CopenHill (

We can meet you here at 11:45 or we can meet at the Metro end station “Orientkaj” (near Comwell Portside hotel) at 10:55. We will catch the ferry from Orientkaj to Refshaleøen and then walk the short distance to CopenHill. Please be on time for the Orientkaj – since the next boat is too late for the event.

At CopenHill they will guide us about the activities – it will take approx. an hour. Then there will be sandwiches for lunch at 13:00.

After lunch I am going to hit back to the hotel, (will catch the ferry 13:34) – you will have time on your own, you are welcome to go back with me or go/sail downtown (you can catch the ferry (3 stops) or bus).

I will see you again at 18:30 for the party.

See you soon….
Festen vil foregå på:
Comwell Copenhagen Portside,
Alexandriagade 1,
2150 Nordhavn.

Datoen: 25. marts 2023, kl. 1830,
hvor der vil blive serveret en velkomstdrink.

Der vil blive serveret en 3-retters menu med tilhørende drikkelse som vin, øl og vand.

Efter middagen vil der være kaffe/te med avec, og herefter vil der være fri bar (øl/vand/vin/spiritus).

Hvis der mod forventning skulle være nogen, der vil lave noget underholdning, så kan det afstemmes med:
Pia Bajlum Esbensen Christensen,
som har sagt ja til at påtage sig hvervet som Toastmasterinde.
Hun kan kontaktes på: eller tlf +45 2258 2218

Det er muligt at overnatte på Comwell Copenhagen Portside fra lørdag til søndag til en nedsat pris:

Enkeltværelse DKK 750,00, inkl. morgenmad
Dobbelt værelse DKK 895,00, inkl. morgenmad

Hvis man ønsker at gøre brug af dette tilbud, skal man notere det i tilmeldingsskemaet, via linket længere nede på siden. Indtjekning er lørdag kl 15.00, hvis man ankommer før, kan hotellet opbevare bagagen i et aflåst rum.

Hvis man ønsker at overnatte fra fredag til lørdag, er priserne:

Enkeltværelse DKK 1038,00, inkl. morgenmad
Dobbelt værelse DKK 1138,00, inkl. morgenmad

Det kan bookes her: Portside 

Der kan envidere gøres brug af eller, hvor det er muligt at søge andre overnatningsmuligheder, der kan være billigere.
Overnatning image
Hotellet (den blå ring)
Det er nemt at komme til hotellet med offentlig transport:

Orientkaj Metro Station (rød ring) ligger 3 minutters gang fra hotellet. Det er linje M4, der går fra hovedbanen til Orientkaj (endestation).
Kommer man fra Lufthavnen, tager man M2 til Kongens Nytorv og skifter til M4 Orientkaj.
Oversigt findes her: Se Metroens linjer og download linjekortet for M1, M2, M3 og M4. Metrokort og linjeinformation.

Sejler fra Orientkaj (sort ring). Linje 992 start fra Sydhavnen med flere stop langs Københavns Kaj, men vær opmærksom på, at turen fra Sydhavnen tager 1 time of 20 min.
Se mere her: 992 Rute: Rejseplaner, stop & kort - Orientkaj St. (Opdateret) (

Nordhavn Station (turkis ring): alle s-togslinjer stopper på Nordhavn station.
Det tager ca. 10 min at gå fra stationen til Comwell Copenhagen Portside.

Der er parkeringskælder under hotellet med 90-100 pladser. Pris pr. time: Kr. 25. Pris for 24 timer: Kr. 150,-.
Parkering på elbil-plads inkl. opladning: Pris pr. time: Kr. 35. Pris for 24 timer: Kr. 210,-

Vejledende oplysninger om øvrige parkeringsforhold (lysegrønne pletter):
  • Orient P-Plads (3 mins gang til Comwell)
  • P-kælder fra Helsinkigade (5 mins gang til Comwell)
  • P-hus Lüders (10 mins gang til Comwell)

Parkering i By og Havn´s parkeringshus med 400-450 pladser. Max. døgntakst er ca 120,00 kr. pr. løbende 24 timer.

Til orientering gør Comwell alt for, at du som gæst skal føle dig tryg, når du opholder dig på hotellet. De prioriterer din og deres medarbejderes sikkerhed højest og følger løbende myndighedernes anbefalinger. Særlige procedurer er iværksat, så du som gæst trygt kan besøge os.
Læs mere på: Coronavirus
Kære Alle,
Jeg er ydmyg og glad for at der er 50 personer der kommer og fejrer min 50 års fødselsdag. Det bliver fantastisk og en brag af en fest.

Lige de sidste praktiske informationer:

  • Senest den 19. Marts er deadline for at give besked til Pia Bajlum Esbensen Christensen, hvis du/I har noget underholdning til festen.

  • For dagsaktiviteten vil nærmere informationer herom blive delt den 20. marts.

  • Hvis du/I parkerer i hotellets parkeringskælder så husk at registrere jer via EasyPark app eller i receptionen.

  • Nedenstående har værelse - hvis du ikke kan finde dit navn - så giv mig besked og jeg sørger for at booke. For dem der alligevel gerne vil have et værelse så kan I stadig nå det, I skal bare informere mig.

Overnatning10 Vær.,  2 har selv bestilt
Malene Poulsen
Michael Schack
Michael og Lotte Ryevad
Joy Barral + Mikael Järvinenbørneseng Barn ca 7 år
Diane Craddock + Ann PendelburyBook from Friday to Monday
Anna Pulante + Matt Harlumbørneseng barn ca 3 år
Jip + Anna-Maria Koudijs
Joan Musgaard + Palle Laulund
Hanne + Steen Poulsen
Sherry Loveland
Søren Bloch Jensen + Fie Lunde Jensenallerede booket
Matthew JamesBook Friday to Monday

On the occasion of my birthday, it will be my pleasure to see you at my party.

It is held at Comwell Copenhagen Portside, where it is also possible to book accommodation. There is further information on this below.

There are quite a few guests who come from far away, so I will also organize a day activity around Copenhagen. You are welcome to participate in both parts or just one.

Registration for the day's activity, party and/or overnight stay takes place via the link at the bottom of the page.

Deadline: Registration no later than Sunday 19th February 2023 
Day activity will be at CopenHill (

We can meet you here at 11:45 or we can meet at the Metro end station “Orientkaj” (near Comwell Portside hotel) at 10:55. We will catch the ferry from Orientkaj to Refshaleøen and then walk the short distance to CopenHill. Please be on time for the Orientkaj – since the next boat is too late for the event.

At CopenHill they will guide us about the activities – it will take approx. an hour. Then there will be sandwiches for lunch at 13:00.

After lunch I am going to hit back to the hotel, (will catch the ferry 13:34) – you will have time on your own, you are welcome to go back with me or go/sail downtown (you can catch the ferry (3 stops) or bus).

I will see you again at 18:30 for the party.

See you soon….
The party will take place at:
Comwell Copenhagen Portside,
Alexandriagade 1,
2150 Nordhavn.

The date: 25th of March 2023, at 1830
where a welcome drink will be served.

A 3-course menu will be served with accompanying drinks such as wine, beer and water.

After dinner there will be coffee/tea with avec and then there will be a free bar (beer/water/wine/spirits).

If, contrary to expectations, there should be someone who wants to do some entertainment, then it can be coordinated with:
Pia Bajlum Esbensen Christensen,
who has agreed to take on the role as Toastmaster.
She can be contacted at: or phone +45 2258 2218
It is possible to stay overnight at Comwell Copenhagen Portside from Saturday to Sunday at a reduced price:

Single room DKK 750.00, including breakfast
Double room DKK 895.00, including breakfast

If you wish to make use of this offer, you must note it in the registration form, via the link further down the page. Check-in is Saturday at 15:00, if you arrive earlier, the hotel can store it in a locked room.

If you want to stay overnight from Friday to Saturday, the prices are:

Single room DKK 1038.00, including breakfast
Double room DKK 1138.00, including breakfast

It can be booked here: Portside or can also be used. It is also possible to search for other accommodation options that may be cheaper.
Accomodation image
Practical information 

Getting to the hotel (the blue ring) 
It is easy to get to the hotel by public transport.

Orientkaj Metro station (red ring) is a 3-minute walk from the hotel. It is line M4 that goes from the main train station to Orientkaj (end station). Arriving from the airport, take the M2 to Kongens Nytorv and change to the M4 Orientkaj. An overview can be found here: See the Metro's lines and download the line map for M1, M2, M3 and M4. Metro map and line information.

The harbor bus 
Sailing to/from Orientkaj (black ring). Line 992 starts from Sydhavnen with several stops along Copenhagen's quay, but be aware that the trip from Sydhavnen takes 1 hour and 20 minutes. See more here: 992 Route: Itineraries, stops & maps - Orientkaj St. (Updated) (

Nordhavn Station (turquoise ring) all s-tog lines stop at Nordhavn station. It takes about 10 minutes to walk from the station to Comwell Copenhagen Portside.

There is a parking garage under the hotel with 90-100 spaces. Price per hour: DKK 25 Price for 24 hours: DKK. 150,-. Parking in an electric car space incl. charging. Price per hour: DKK 35 Price for 24 hours: DKK. 210,-

Information on other parking areas (light green spots) 
  • Orient parking lot (3 min walk to Comwell) 
  • Parking basement from Helsinkigade (5 min walk to Comwell) 
  • P-Hus Lüders car park (10 min walk to Comwell) 

Parking in By og Havn's parking garage with 400-450 spaces. Max. daily rate is approximately DKK 120.00 per continuously 24 hours.

For your information, Comwell does everything to ensure that you, as a guest, feel safe when you stay at the hotel. They prioritize the safety of you and their employees and continuously follow the authorities' recommendations. Special procedures have been implemented so that you, as a guest, can safely visit us.
Read more at: Coronavirus
Dear Friends
I am humble and happy that 50 persons want to come to Copenhagen and celebrate my 50th birthday. This is fantastic and it is going to be an awesome party.

Just some last practical information:

  • If you want to do some entertainment, kindly coordinate it with my friend, Pia Bajlum Esbensen Christensen, no later than on the 19th of March. She can be contacted at or phone +45 2258 2218. She just needs to be notified.

  • Information in regard to the day activity is going to be shared on the 20th of March, directly to the 15 persons who have signed up for it.

  • If you are going to use the parking lot in the hotel basement please remember to register either at the frontdesk or use the app EasyPark

  • Below is an overview of persons who have booked a room, if you can't find your name let me know and I will secure a room for you. If you have not requested a room and you have changed your mind, then let me know and I will book one for you.

Overnatning12 rooms.,  2 have ordered by themselves
Malene Poulsen
Michael Schack
Michael og Lotte Ryevad
Joy Barral + Mikael JärvinenChildbed ca 7 år
Diane Craddock + Ann PendelburyBook from Friday to Monday
Anna Pulante + Matt HarlumChildbed up 3 år
Jip + Anna-Maria Koudijs
Joan Musgaard + Palle Laulund
Hanne + Steen Poulsen
Sherry Loveland
Søren Bloch Jensen + Fie Lunde Jensenallerede booket
Matthew JamesBook Friday to Monday

LET's PARTY!! image